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Alexis Morales Rodriguez Agent Photo
Morales Rodriguez
C. (787) 306-2845
P. (787) 468-1250
License #: C13637
Phone Alexis
RE/MAX Island Homes LLC
Villa Marina 5, Fajardo PR 00738

let's find your new home

Search for Real Estate in and around Puerto Rico

With more than 10 years of experience I have seen the worst and the best of the real estate market. That same experience has trained me to today help you achieve a successful sale without surprises in the shortest possible time. The transparency and professionalism that I offer has opened the door for clients who for one reason or another are off the island, making them feel calm that the sale of their property is in expert hands. My focus is clear on providing good customer service and letting my clients know that they matter, whether it's to sell their property or help them find their home in Puerto Rico.

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